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20 results found

  1. Voice-Read Aloud Feature for Math

    Regarding decision to not have voice for math-Students need the voice feature for Math as well as ELA/Reading. Many students are English Language Learners and Special Needs students who need Math problems, such as the word problems read to them, otherwise they will not be able to answer the questions.

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  2. More ebooks

    We need more ebooks at each reading level.

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  3. Improve Placement Test

    Please adjust the placement test, so one wrong answer will not end the test. There should be at least two questions dealing with each standard. It is very easy for a student to accidentally click the wrong bubble or for the audio to be unable to play.

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    Hi All,

    Thanks for the suggestion. The 2.0 Diagnostic test solves for this by assessing students on the foundational concepts across the entire learning path which are necessary for the higher level concepts. Check it out for grades K-6! Thanks for your support!

  4. Conflict avoidance

    You should have an icon for whether things are tablet friendly. Alex just spent 50 coins on Character fall for a week, and it doesn't seem compatible with the iPad Scootpad app. The keyboard doesn't pop up for her to make the catch.
    An icon for ipad friendly would be good... or better yet, games that are playable on all formats.

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  5. Complexity in problems depending on abilities, and not just common core standards.

    What I would like to see is the complexity in problems depending on abilities, and not just common core standards. e.g. if a kid finishes a unit for word problems that is needed for his grade level, there needs to be an option for him to go for more challenging unit in the word problems.

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  6. Improve Read Aloud Audio

    I am struggling to use Scootpad with my kindergarten students because they are pre-readers and the voice on the read aloud is so automated that they have a difficult time understanding the questions when they are read aloud. Also, some of the questions do not lend themselves to being independently asked on an ipad, for example if it wants them to sound something out. I feel bad about this because my district paid for it and I feel I cannot use it.

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  7. Questions Database

    ability to create our own questions and answers or see a database of questions so questions can be specifically assigned per students need or area of weakness.

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    We have awesome news for you! You can create your own questions in 50+ tech enhanced item formats! You can also browse through a bank of questions shared by the community and use them to build your own assessments. These are all a part of Assessments 2.0. To learn more, watch the how-to video on Assessments 2.0:

    Thank for your support and being patient. :)

  8. Math Upgrade needed

    The Math component of ScootPad REALLY needs some changes. Teachers are not able to drill down on the concepts to complement what is being taught in the classroom. The concepts are presented in too broad a fashion and students quickly give up. We would love to see it improve and be of the same quality as ScootPad ELA.

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    Thanks for the suggestion. We are super pleased that the math content has been completely revamped for 2.0! More content, more state standards, more concepts, and deeper DOK levels!

    Thanks for the support!

  9. On going reading log - Daily entries

    I would like students to be able to write in the reading log as they go, doing daily submissions instead of having to do it all at once.

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  10. Counting and Money Practice

    I think that their should be the skill of Counting Money. My students need help with counting coins.

    Also, when I click on the concept I no longer see a preview or example of the concepts

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    Thanks for the feedback. There are a couple of concepts located in our database which refer to counting money. You can search by this tag and view these concepts to provide a targeted practice. You can also see sample questions within our new Practice 2.0 content. Visit our main page for more information and stay tuned for state standards!

  11. Questions for ebooks

    Add PARCC like questions to each ebook. This would assist children with reading for purpose. Also a report tracking the kind of question that a child gets wrong would allow a teacher or parent to focus instruction.

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  12. Math questions including multiple standards and steps all in one!

    In Math, create multi-step problems that integrate multiple standards, similar to those seen on the Smarter Balanced assessment.

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  13. Could you please add inference practice?

    RI5.1 is not just about quoting texts. It also involves making Inferences. I have found that students need a lot of training in the area of making inferences.

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  14. Coin Leaderboards

    Leaderboards for how many coins you have

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  15. Adaptive Progress Tracking

    In the future, I'd like to see a way for ScootPad to not only track students' progress, but also automatically advance them ahead or move them back based on their progress.

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  16. Add more variety

    Practice problems are repetitive and boring. Please try to spice up the problems, especially word problems by adding more different questions. We're paying a lot of money for this program and I don't want to have the kids answering the same formulaic word problem ten times in a row (The school got ___ packs of paper. In each pack were ___ sheets. How many sheets?)

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  17. additional questions

    more questions for each standard

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  18. Intervention assignments

    For small group intervention purposes, it would be nice to be able to assign the same passage to that group of kids so we could work through together, or for me to be able to run a demo assignment on my screen to work through as a group.

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  19. Extension Assignments/Assessments

    Adding extension lessons/problems to current standards would be great for gifted learners. Our district does not allow us to teach above our grade level, they would prefer us to go deeper into the standards with our students. I would love to see more assignment/assessment options for this!

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  20. eliminate negative emoticons

    Please eliminate the negative emoticons from the shout out choices. It allows kids to send messages that are not kind. Unfortunately it does happen.

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