i have a dilemma
I am homeschooling my 4th grade grand daughter. I signed up for Scoot Pad several months ago (a free program). Yet there is absolutely nothing we can access. She can't read any of the online books from the library, there are no worksheets or classes...there is nothing. so why is this advertised as something great? I am very disappointed as I spent hours devising her curriculum before the end of last school year. If I am doing something wrong, please please let me know. If the free program can't do or access anything than I will just delete this account.

Hello! Yes there is the At Home Learning Zone where you have access to grade k-8 content in math, ELA, Spelling, and eBooks! https://scootpad.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/471193-video-introduction-to-scootpad
Check it out by selecting the link above!