allow teachers to decide if ebooks will receive coins....right now students are abusing it!

We now require reading log assignments for eBooks and once complete, teachers decide the amount of coins to award to students.
Mr, Fahey commented
Ya, this is completely allowing students to bypass the coin system.
MichelleShelton commented
I agree, my students have really abused this, earning 50 coins for typing answers such as "asdflaksndlfnsdkf" ! Sigh.
justine commented
Unfortunately my son "gamed" the system and flipped through every page of all the ebooks for his level just to get some quick points. Is there a way to mark these books as "unread" so that he can go back and read them with me watching? Also, I agree, I would like the Ebook responses to be reviewed and approved by teachers/parents before coins are given. I notice that my son has given short simple answers like "This book is about bears." I would like him to read more to earn the coins.
Susan Keeney commented
EBook responses should be held in a queue for approval from teachers. We also need to be able to better target reading levels so that high level readers do not have access to reading material below their targeted level.