sharing children with multiple teachers
Wow, we really really need to be able to have kids in multiple teacher portals while keeping the same account. So the homeroom teacher, the GT teacher and the ELL teacher can all have the same child and the same child's account under portal teacher portals so we can all see the data. THis should be able to be done for a single child or a group of children (e.g., assign the ELL teacher access or "shared ownership" of a group or subset of kids.
I think that to have a school best use the platform, from GT to ELL to SPED to classroom teacher, there needs to be a better way to share kids without having to sort through other teachers' kids that are not on our roster.
Along the same lines, in a single class, we need to be able to form groups for assigning HW or learning paths. So we can easily differentiate for a single unit or a part of the year, etc.

Good news! This feature has been added!
There is no share button on individual student userIDs, however, if you are linked to a school, when you go to enroll students you will notice after clicking the "enroll students" button for your class, there is a section when scrolling down titled "other students at my school". All teachers connected to a school will have access to your students and vice-versa.
Meredith commented
Where can we find this feature in ScootPad?
Anonymous commented
Where is the "share" button to share kids with another teacher with scootpad?