Math Facts
Can you add a Fact Master component to Math? Which would help identify students ability to quickly know their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts? Thanks

Hey All,
Thank you for the feedback, at this time this is not something we have in the immediate road map. It might be something we look at adding in long term.
Anonymous commented
dbergen commented
Can you have a skill builder for 3rd grade math be multiplication facts 10 and under? Currently the multiplication assignments include numbers under 100. So if a student is doing their x2's, they get questions like 2x36, which is not very helpful. I would much prefer 2x10 and anything under that.
Mr. Jason Smerer commented
Need an option for students to focus strictly on math fact fluency that can be controlled/assigned by teacher. Have the option to do challenges with other kids on scootpad. Similar to what is available on Mathletics.