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Managing Math Settings

 To manage Math Settings: 

1. Launch your classroom from the teacher home page:  

2. Next, click on Class Settings from the Navigation bar and then Math Settings:

3. On the Math settings page, you can manage the weekly goal, curriculum settings, and mastery settings.

The Weekly Goal allows you to set the number of Math problems students must solve each week (Mon-Sun).

In Curriculum Settings, you can

  1. turn adaptive practice ON or OFF. If OFF, ScootPad will not automatically generate practices for your students based on their assigned learning path, and the teacher must assign all practices.
  2. You can also ensure that students start practicing with the Adaptive Placement Test by turning this ON.
  3. The Default Learning Path chosen during classroom creation will be displayed here. Changing the default Learning Path means that new students enrolled in the class will be automatically assigned this path. This does not change any paths already assigned to students.

In Mastery Settings, you can set:
  1. Proficiency Target (% for students to achieve mastery)
  2. Rigor (the minimum number of questions per concept your students must practice to achieve mastery)
  3. Practice Size (the number of questions to be generated in each adaptive/automatic practice)
  4. the Intervention Threshold (whole-class (tier-1) intervention)
  5. Adjust the Mastery Check Hold (the amount of time in days before the automated Mastery Check is presented).
In Fact Fluency Settings, you can:

  1. Have Fact Operations set to AUTO-ASSIGN fact operations for students. 
  2. You can also adjust the number of facts students see (1-12)
  3. You can adjust the speed threshold.
  4. You can enable negative numbers.
TIP #1: If you do not want students practicing Fact Fluency at all, navigate to the Fact Fluency dashboard and "Remove Fact Fluency".  
TIP #2: Fact Fluency settings can also be adjusted for individual students. Click here to learn more.

You can adjust these settings at any time.

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