Handpick Questions for Assessment
To set up and assign a Custom Built (hand picked questions) Assessment:

6. Review the Questions on the Assessment one last time!

7. Name the Assessment and Choose the Sharing Level:
Click Save and the Assessment will be Created.
1. Launch your classroom from the teacher home page:

2. From the classroom Navigation Bar click on Features and then under Math or ELA click on Assessments:
3. Choose New Assessment:

3. Choose New Assessment:

4. Select Custom Build:

5. Search Questions, then narrow down by excluding specific item types. In the image below, the teacher has excluded everything EXCEPT the 4 highlight item types. Here you can preview individual questions and then Add to Cart before clicking "Review and Save"

6. Review the Questions on the Assessment one last time!

7. Name the Assessment and Choose the Sharing Level:

Click Save and the Assessment will be Created.
8. When the page refreshes, assign it to your students. Note the items below. To make the picture larger, right-click on it and choose to open in another tab or window.