Admin: Managing Student Enrollment
The Manage Enrollment feature allows an Admin to manage the enrollment of students at the school. The bulk enrollment process is done by the classroom (see step 6).
1. On the Admin Home Page, launch your school:
2. On the Navigation Bar, under Users, select Manage Enrollment:
3. To Enroll a student, click the drop-down menu to choose a classroom:
2. On the Navigation Bar, under Users, select Manage Enrollment:
3. To Enroll a student, click the drop-down menu to choose a classroom:

4. Click on the Enroll button:
5. Click on a student from the school's master roster, and it will move them to the classroom list on the right; then click Enroll:

6. To Bulk Enroll students into the selected classroom, click on bulk enroll. Enter student User IDs (what students will use to sign in) comma separated or one per line (copy & paste from Excel also works). Users are able to bulk enroll up to 50 students in a classroom at a time, and the process will need to be repeated for each group of up to 50 students.

7. You can also select one or more student (s) to Un-Enroll, print Sign-in Cards or Parent Letters, or Move to another classroom (along with their data)

8. To Un-enroll more than one classroom at a time, click on Users>Manage Classrooms. Select the specific classrooms and click Un-enroll students.
9. To manage which classrooms an individual student is enrolled in, click on Users>Manage Students. Then click the review hyperlink to see the classrooms. Click unenroll to remove a student from a classroom.