Browsing/Creating Math and ELA Learning Paths
To browse, create, and share Math and ELA Learning Paths using the
ScootPad Content Library:
1. At the top of the Page, select Content:
2. Click on Learning Paths:
3. Search Learning Paths by Standards, Grade, and Subject:
4. Preview, Assign, Copy and Customize, Generate an Assessment from, or Star (Bookmark) Learning Paths based on the Standards that have been searched. TIP: To make changes to a learning path, use the copy button to make it your own. Choose to share it with others after editing!
4. Preview, Assign, Copy and Customize, Generate an Assessment from, or Star (Bookmark) Learning Paths based on the Standards that have been searched. TIP: To make changes to a learning path, use the copy button to make it your own. Choose to share it with others after editing!
5. You can also create your own Learning Path:
6. Choose a subject for the new Learning Path:
7. Follow the steps to create your own custom learning path:
6. Choose a subject for the new Learning Path:
7. Follow the steps to create your own custom learning path:
Once completed, you are all set!