Switching to Clever and the Impact to Existing ScootPad Users

As you consider a Clever integration, it's important to note the implications as an existing ScootPad user. Read below for implications at all levels.

1) How will the Clever integration affect my existing ADMIN account on ScootPad?
  • ScootPad will create an admin account (or link to your existing admin account) using the email address you have associated within Clever
  • ScootPad recommends that you remove all teacher accounts setup in ScootPad that are NOT associated with Clever. (i.e teachers who have used personal email accounts). Our nightly sync will only sync teacher accounts which are in Clever.
  • Historical school/classroom/student data will NO longer be available since this integration with Clever will create brand new classrooms and students. We highly recommend you to print out any historical school/classroom/student reports which are relevant to your needs.

2) How will the Clever integration affect my existing TEACHER account on ScootPad?
  • ScootPad will create a new teacher account (or  link to your existing teacher account) using the email address you have associated within Clever 
  • Any historical classroom/student data will NO longer be available since this integration with Clever will create brand new classrooms and students. We highly recommend you to print out any historical school/classroom/student reports which are relevant to your needs.  
  • If you require both admin and teacher access, we recommend using an alternate or personal email address to create a separate admin account in ScootPad

3) How will the Clever integration affect my existing CLASSROOMS on ScootPad?
  • All classrooms which existed before the Clever integration will be removed. Any historical student data in these old classrooms will NO longer be available since this integration with Clever will create brand new classrooms and students. We highly recommend administrators and teachers to print out any relevant student and classroom reports which you need for your future reference.
  • Classrooms or "sections" you have access to in your Clever account will be set up and synced into ScootPad
  • Adding/deleting classrooms will not be permitted within ScootPad. These changes must be done in Clever and then synced into ScootPad.

4) How will the Clever integration affect my existing STUDENT accounts on ScootPad?
  • ALL student accounts and their data which existed prior to the integration will be removed permanently.
  • All new student records will be created and linked to their accounts in Clever. Students can simply sign in to ScootPad using SSO through Clever.
  • We highly recommend you to print out any historical student reports which are relevant to your future needs as there will not be a way to access the old information after the integration.

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