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Proctoring explained

When assigning an assessment, you may want your students to be able to take the assessment only during a specific timeframe (i.e., Between 1:05 pm and 2:11 pm on May 23rd). In this case, you will want to enable proctoring.

  1. Follow the directions to either autogenerate the assessment, handpick questions, or set up prebuilt assessments.
  2. Make sure you add the start time and end time. This will act as a failsafe to ensure the assessment is only visible during a specific window.
  3. Choose to enable proctoring. TIP: When the assessment is authorized during the above time frame, students can access the assessment. If the time frame expires, the assessment is locked even if you've left the assessment in the authorized state.

4. Once the assessment has been assigned, launch the classroom and head back to Assessments under Math or ELA

5. Click on Assessment results. Locate the assessment and under Actions, click on the "Play" button. This action gives the students immediate access to the assessment. 

6. To remove student access, come back to this page and click the "Pause" button.

Here is an example of an assessment that has not been authorized yet for students.

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