Full audio needed--especially for Kindergarten
I love the concept of ScootPad but it is still lacking what Kindergarteners need most--full audio. It does not read comprehension based texts and often doesn't read answer choices.
I would love to recommend ScootPad to my district over IXL but this is deal breaker for us.

Thank you for this feedback. We will consider this in future iterations of ScootPad.
Monica Copple commented
I know that you are working on the program's ability to read content to students, we are wondering how far along are you with this. We have noticed that there is some content that is available for reading outloud and other content that it will not. It would be great if all the passages and questions could be read aloud.
We also would like to be able to assign the read aloud feature to select students instead of all students in a class.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Monica Copple
allison.heine commented
Mount Vernon School District 17-3
We would like a voice-to-text option for the questions AND answers. -
Mrs. Cari Cooke commented
I am very frustrated as a kindergarten teacher that there is not a speaker (read aloud) option next to passages and phrases in the learning path practices . I do not feel that the learning paths are really "adaptive" if the students are not able to complete the questions independently. Kindergarten students are not expected to read until the end of the year. The MAP paths I have assigned my students have 2 paragraph passages that are not read to them so either a teacher or parent is having to aide them in completing the work. It can not be adaptive if it isn't the student completing it. Even on the math path it has words like "above" "below" or shape words like "trapezoid" and "rhombus" that 5 year olds are expected to know how to read in order to answer the questions independently.
Adding a read aloud speaker next to everything on a kindergarten path would allow the student to complete it on their own and be a true representation of what they know and not if they can read.
If you are trying to align to the MAP Growth test, their kinder test has speakers next to EVERYTHING for the whole year.
Thank you for considering a change in this area. You would make a lot of kindergarten teachers very happy!