read aloud option individualized
The voice option for read aloud we should be able to choose which student has that option for the read aloud. Especially for our students that needs those accommodations. Right now it's all or nothing with the read aloud to making individualized would be amazing! Especially when we think about our ELL students.

Thank you for your feedback. We will explore individualized settings in future iterations of ScootPad.
Michelle Prien commented
I would like the students in k-2 to be able to hear the narrarator read all of the story and all of the questions and possible answers in those grades.
Michelle Snyder commented
To whom it may concern:
I think it would be a great idea to be able to turn off the Adaptive Practice for select students. For example, this would allow the teacher to turn off the Adaptive Practice for only the students who need to work on Intervention Assignments, or individual assignments. However, it would still allow the other students to continue to work at their own pace.
Michelle Snyder -
Anonymous commented
Rigor settings customizable by student. I would like the ability to set some kids to 70% proficiency and others to 80. Or some to 10-15 questions, others up to 25 if still struggling. ALso audio on/off by student.... students with IEP that call for audio to get it, others no.
Melissa C commented
I couldn't agree more! We have students that have this accommodation in their IEP and I would like to be able to adjust this individually.