Science/Social Studies
Add a science and/or social studies component to your program. We have many teachers in our district that are anxiously awaiting those additions!
Thank you for your feedback as we continue to explore making ScootPad more and more effective.
Catherine commented
Is this still planned? Any update?
Niki Sarver commented
I agree! Adding Science and Social Studies specific content would make Scootpad a great "one-stop shop" - Students would already be familiar with the format. As another user posted these subjects are tested on state standards and Scootpad could help prepare students for those tasks. :)
Justin commented
With science testing happening in many states, extra practice with vocabulary and concepts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Catherine commented
Is this still in the works for the 18-19 school year?
d.manuelito commented
Make a science content
Anonymous commented
other subjects
Trisha Mitchell commented
I would like to see this also. It is tested in North Carolina and California as well.