Help us improve ScootPad!
We want to hear your ideas for improving ScootPad! Check out what others have posted, add your thoughts, and learn more about recently completed ideas. When you post an idea, others will be able to vote and add comments.
74 results found
When they are asked to count bees for an example, make a mark appear on the bee when they touch the be to show they have already counted it!
When they are asked to count bees for an example, make a mark appear on the bee when they touch the bee to show they have already counted it!
68 votesWhen students are practicing in ScootPad, they can open up the Scratchpad where they can make marks to help them keep track of what they have counted.
Kid chat
my idea is to let children type to each other
so they can interact with each other in some way not just message each other with already typed words but there will be a monitor that sees what they type before they send it, so there wont be any cyber bullying.45 votesWe currently allow kids to respond to each other and interact on the class wall
Teachers rewarding students with coins
I would like to be able to assign / reward coins to students based on their participation, improvement etc. It will help give them a further incentive
13 votesTeachers can assign bonus coins to assignments by going to Actions>>>Review and then clicking the review and feedback tab. Teachers can add up to 100 bonus coins per assignment.
We need to be able to see the grades
I took the time to input grades on several assignments. When I wanted to go back to put them in my grade book, their was not report showing assignments and the grades given. . I know grading is optional, but if we want students to take ScootPad seriously, we need to be able to work with the assignments more efficiently and have the grade included on the reports.
11 votesHi Everyone,
We do have this available now as you can see the grades in the reports page on the Activity Report.
Thank you for your support!
Help the children a little bit more
Give them more than one chance
10 votesCurrently, teachers can enable the “retry” option for students to allow them to retry questions. Also, we currently have a new instruction module available for grades K-4. We are currently working on grades 5-8 (expected Jan or Feb 2015).
Coin Resetting
I should be able to reset coins as the classroom manager. I use the coins in a classroom incentive scheme, but it's annoying not to be able to reset them each quarter.
9 votesHi all,
While you are not able to reset the students coins all together, you can reset the coin leader board. This allows you to run the specific contests you want to run as you can instruct the students that they can check the leader board to see results!
Thanks for your support!
Teacher "Sandbox" or "Test Classroom"
For paid teacher accounts, it would be very helpful to have a "sandbox" group (at the same level as the teacher is paying for) where the teacher could also sign in as student or parent. It would be very nice to see how things look from student/teacher perspective, and to see how ideas I would like to try out will look in practice before experimenting on the class as a whole.
7 votesHello,
Feel free to add yourself as a student and in that way, you can see the content the way the students see it. You can also give this student version of yourself a “parent” and see how that works!
Thanks for your support!
Detailed student report
I would like to see the assignments I've given to a specific student. combined with how much they've done, as well as the score for that particular topic. I would also like a report that tells me what problems they are getting wrong so I can reteach the concept(s).
7 votesThese reports can be accessed via the Activity Report or the By Student Report. Go to Math/ELA and then Mastery Reports to access all reports.
Incorporate same tools as SBAC testing is using so the kids can practice.
It would be great if the same tools students are going to have to use on SBAC testing were incorporated into Scootpad for day to day practice.
7 votesOur Assessments feature incorporates 20+ technology based question formats that students encounter on tests such as SBAC and PARCC and we plan on increasing this number to 50+ by the end of Summer 2015.
I think you should add the "remember me" button to the login screen.
6 votesThis feature is now available,
Thank you for your support!
Honeycomb Headings
We would like to suggest that the honeycomb show concept numbers and the headings RL, RI, L. It doesn't need to show the grade level specific numbers, but would help us communicate with students the ELA general topics with which they struggle.
6 votesHello,
While the honeycombs only show the concept ID, you can also view the learning path by domain, as a teacher and student, in order to communicate the specific area of struggle. Thanks for the feedback! Let us know if you have further questions!
We need to be able to let students know when a reward is not longer available without deleting the reward.
5 votesHi everyone,
The class wall is a perfect area for this. This will allow you to spread the word without removing the reward.
Thanks for the suggestion! -
Standardized Testing Skills
I would like to see activities where they can click and drag, or highlight to help them with the OAA skills they need.
5 votesOur Assessment feature includes 20+ technology enhanced question formats to help students prepare for tests such as SBAC and PARCC. We plan on releasing 50+ of these formats by the end of Summer 2015.
Reading Passages for Teachers
As a teacher, it would be very helpful to have access to the reading passages so that I can work with students to better understand WHY they missed a question. Without access to the reading passages, I am not able to give much constructive feedback or explanation.
A PDF or other printable form would be awesome!!!
4 votesHello,
In Practice 2.0, you have the ability to see the student’s questions, including all reading passages.
Thanks for the support!
Grade levels written into questions.
Please take the grade level out of passages. Ex: 'Using 2nd grade vocabulary...', 'On a 2nd grade passage...'. While I appreciate being able to assign different grade level paths for each student, many of the questions tell them that they are working at a lower level.
4 votesHello,
We currently do not show the grade level inside of content (questions). We do express the grade level in the description of the standard. ScootPad is aligned to standards and we do not change the wording as indicated within the standard itself. Please let us know if you have further questions and thank you for your support!
Printable completed assignments.
Have the ability to create reports of assignments completed for the whole class.
4 votesTeachers can print assignments/practices students complete by going to the Activity Report for Math/ELA.
select class for placement test
I would like to see a way for teachers to select all students for a placement test instead of having to click each student. I can take my entire class to the lab once a week and I like to give them a placement test at that time. It takes a while to select each student.
4 votesWhen assigning a placement test, teachers can click the top check box to select all students.
eBoook Levels
I have tried to get my students to read the eBooks but many of the texts don't seem like they were correctly leveled. For example, "English Fairy Tales" comes up in the "L" section along with Ema the Rhinoceros. I think the leveling system needs to be reevaluated so eBooks at one level are not significantly more advanced than others on the same level. It is confusing for my students when they see a 16 page book next to a 100+ page book.
4 votesThank you for your support we appreciate the feedback. The books have been correctly leveled.
Individual Student Gradebook
Individual student assignment reports. Meaning I can look up if a student is consistently completing their assignments without having to look at each assignment individually.
4 votesTeachers can view student Assignments/Practices via the Activity Report
Inputting Student names
Batch upload of student names, instead of entering separately.
3 votesAdmins can bulk upload students using an Excel/CSV file
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